I can’t stay quiet

I do not know how often one writes a blog, and I don’t want to be annoying, but people/kids are dying everyday, so I can’t stay quiet. I have been contacted by mothers who have addicted kids (young adults) and mothers who have lost children due to the disease and opioid overdose. Having been on both sides of this tragic situation, I can’t stay quiet. This is life or death.

I wish I could do more. I just listen and hold space as these stories pour in. I am having coffee tomorrow with a woman who lost her son the week before Christmas. What words of comfort can I possibly offer her. None.

So many are taking on this crisis in their homes and communities trying desperately to generate awareness and change and some stay quiet and ashamed due to the stigma. Don’t stay quiet. The efforts of so many unfortunately are splintered. This effort for change needs to be centralized so it is one loud voice. Even my effort in developing a website and blog is splintered. I am going to put my effort behind Shatterproof.

Gary Mendell, CEO of Shatterproof is a serious force. He lost his son tragically after being one year clean. He is raising millions of dollars, and state by state is changing legislation. He is in Washington Fighting this Fight until he crushes this disease nationally. He is working with insurers and hospitals to standardize affordable care. I encourage anyone who wants to join the Fight, to end the stigma of addiction and Fight for the cure, and get this shit off the streets, go to Shatterproof.org and get informed. Volunteer, become an ambassador.

Addiction is NOT a moral failing or a character flaw.” Shatterproof.org

Team Jack is a large supporter of Shatterproof. Join Us

#teamjack #endaddiction #endthestigma #shatterproof #dontstayquiet