The honest, raw truth of a family’s fight to save their beloved Jack from the power of drugs.
I read this in less than two days, but it has stayed with me for over a month now. Jack Conroy was a beautiful boy from a beautiful family. A family of hardworking, big loving, contagiously dynamic souls. In all things and across all seasons, their pursuit of family and of faith has always stayed at work. They stood for each other and radiated generations of deeply rooted love and treasured traditions. As my tears now begin to fall, I pray this book brings to light the full breadth of a family’s fears, reality and needs when battling drugs. With faith, fight, funds and friends — a full court press to take their Jack back — Barbara Bates Conroy and her family persevered at every turn before losing their beloved Jackamo.
I remember at Jack’s funeral, Barbara said, “I thought our love was bigger than drugs.” She also said, “We are Easter people” — a profound testament to the strength of this family and a sentence I will never forget. Barbara quotes Roman’s 8:38 throughout her book. Reading this mother’s full surrender to the journey she is now on, I’m also reminded of Romans 5:3, “…knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.” May this story of unconditional love, loss, search and fight shine bright and bring hope to this remarkable family of brothers, sisters, cousins, aunties and uncles — a hope that Jack’s story will shatter the darkness of drug addiction and electrify this mother’s steadfast pursuit to help others, and bring life saving change.