I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you
About The Author
Barbara Bates Conroy is a mother, advocate, and author of the best-selling book Dear Jack: A Love Letter. When her son Jack passed away from a heroin overdose in 2015, Barbara continued to write letters to him, just as she had been doing since he was a baby. In Dear Jack: A Love Letter, Barbara shares her highly personal and tragic experiences with drug addiction, family discord, loss, and grief through these letters and raw prose recounting the past and exploring questions of motherhood, responsibility, guilt, and spirituality.
Barbara’s professional career has spanned a variety of industries which includes business, marketing, and the healing arts. Barbara served as Vice President of Retail Development at Polo Ralph Lauren and as President of Tommy Hilfiger Men’s Division. Barbara is also a Registered Nurse, and is certified in Hatha Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Medicinal 0ils, and Reiki Level 2. Barbara sits on the board of Fly Yoga Outreach (MV) and is on the operating board of Misty Meadows Equine Learning Center on Martha’s Vineyard. She resides on Martha’s Vineyard. More About Barbara »
Dear Jack – A Love Letter
Love never dies. The essence of our true self, our child self is what is left. The little boy, who rode a bike at two, caught a shark at five, drove a car at ten, smoked pot at thirteen, got arrested at fifteen, went to rehab at seventeen, went to college at eighteen, went to rehab again at nineteen and again at twenty, died April 1, 2015 at twenty one, my son, Jack. The anguish of my loss is unbearable.
I compiled my thoughts into a manuscript and decided to publish with the hope that my story of love, grief, addiction and healing will meet someone exactly when and where they need it.
All proceeds from the book Dear Jack, a love letter will be directed to the
Jackson Scott Conroy Foundation, dedicated to the support of teens suffering from addiction with scholarship funding for treatment.
Amazon Bestseller – Dear Jack, a Love Letter is available now!
“Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” Margret Meade.
Addiction chooses no favorites
I am in awe of the different shapes and sizes, colors and personalities we all come in. Addiction chooses no favorites. It sneaks in when we may be out of balance, disharmony within. It finds the opening. Here I offer signs of addiction, what addiction is, and what it isn’t.
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
There are many paths to recovery. Due to our uniqueness in the world, I have come to realize that the “one size fits all” approach to addiction is flawed. Discover the traditional and the non-traditional approaches to manage the disease of addiction through recovery options offered here.
“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”
Maya Angelou
Healing is an inside job. For ourselves and for those afflicted with the disease of addiction. No one can do it for us. It is hard work and it is painful. There are many options just like there are people, for healing. Here I provide some alternative and creative tools for healing. Be patient, it could take a very long time.
“It’s not resources but resourcefulness that ultimately makes the difference.” Tony Robbins
This section will continue to grow as I do. Literature, workshops, legislation, advances, innovation will show up here. As new information is available I will make it available to those who seek it.
Team Jack
“Individually we are one drop, together we are an ocean.” Ryunosuke Satoro
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